September – April!
Family Dinner Time
(4:45 – 5:45 PM)
A meal is served so that you can participate in the programs listed below without worrying about how to feed everyone AND get here on time. Dinner is served until 5:45 PM. You must sign-up by contacting the church (570-275-1511) by Monday for the following Wednesday. Suggested donation is $3 per person or $10 per family. See posted Menus each week.
Wednesday Evening Ministries
(6:00 – 7:30 PM)
For ages birth through 2 years.
Location: Nurseries

Any woman from any walk of life is welcome to attend.
Location: Room 230 (2nd floor above offices)

Various biblical studies for men & women of all ages. They are currently studying 1 Samuel.
Location: Room 224 (2nd floor above offices)

A class dedicated to following God’s design for marriage and challenging one another to live it out.
Location: back of sanctuary
For those divorced, separated or struggling in their marriage. This is a special seminar and support group that will walk with you through topics like, What’s happening to me?, Facing My Anger, KidCare, Forgiveness, Financial Survival and more.
Location: Room 105 (hallway above gym)

Have you lost a loved one? Maybe it’s your health. Whatever the loss, you do not have to go through it alone! This dynamic group of women come together for support and comfort through the grieving process.
Location: Room 104 (hallway above gym)