MOPS mission remains the same. Our focus on Jesus is at the forefront of all we do!. Our mission is not changing. The only change is a name refresh that brings more clarity about what we do.
The central focus of MOPS has always been to create a mom community that provides opportunities to encounter Jesus. We were pioneering mom community with this mission, the first of its kind.
Our specialty is creating a transformational mom community. Therefore, our new name is shorthand for The Mom Community.*
*from MomCo website
*from MomCo website
What is MomCo?
As a Mom Community,
We raise our kids and one another.
We boldly elevate motherhood.
We embrace the unexpected & imperfect.
We understand our direction is more important than our speed.
We celebrate often & loudly.
We know every mom has a place with us.
We follow Jesus and invite others to journey with us.*
* from website
We meet in person at First Baptist Church of Danville in the gym on the second Wednesday of the month from 9-11am, September through May. Childcare is available!
What to expect?
Nourishment: A rotating assortment of snacks, plus HOT coffee and other beverages
Fellowship: Messages of hope to inspire and encourage
Curriculum: Opportunities to learn and grow; family, friendship, marriage and motherhood
Activities (examples from 2022-23 season):
- Monthly Playdates: Lewisburg Market/Hufnagle Park; Rohrbach Farms; building shoeboxes (OCC); creating gingerbread houses; Bloomsburg Children’s Museum; Hess Park Hike & Play; Knack Studios; Kidsburg; berry picking; swimming; etc.
- Monthly Open Gym: Bring toys to share and play
- Moms Night Out (MNO): Campfire and smores; cookie exchange; make and take cinnamon rolls; game night; etc.
Connection: 4-6 moms/breakout group, text communication, playdates, networking and support!
MOPS 2024-25 theme is…

How do I join?
Try out your first meeting free of charge!
- Step 1: Register with MomCo Intl. – The yearly fee of $37 includes great resources. FBC’s code is: Zx57
- Step 2: Complete local registration form
- Step 3: Pay local dues via check, cash or Venmo at the meeting. The yearly local fee is $30 and supports special events, mom’s nights out and more! Venmo – @DanvilleMomCo

I have a question
Please contact our church office
570.275.1511 | DanvillePA.MOPS@gmail.com
or visit