Adult Fellowship

About:  This is a class for all ages, singles or couples. The  Adult Fellowship meets in the lower level chapel. 




Teacher: John Patti

Room:  12
(Springer Chapel)


About:  This is a mixed group of 30+ somethings. Rotating teachers will share a lesson, then give time for breaking into small groups for discussion & prayer.




Teachers: Malachi & Linsey Courtney, Sam & Jei Eckel

Room:  104






Daughters of the Divine

About: A Sunday Bible School Class for single women of any age who want a closer walk with Jesus.





Teacher: Sharan Cook

 Room: 105



FBC Connect

About:  This class is open to all who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and are interested in learning more about First Baptist Church (FBC). This class is offered periodically and is required for membership. 



Room: 122
(Conference Room)

Journeying with Jesus

About:  This class is open to all and dedicated to studying the Word of God along with great discussion. Right now they are going through the post-exilic books of the Bible.


Teacher: Paul Fink

 Room: 230


About:  We are the Sojourners ~ we are committed to traversing life together through prayer, fellowship, and Bible Study.  We do have fun!!! 





Teachers: Fred Hess

Room: 224-226

Jeff Brandt

Sons of the Savior

Class Verse: 2 Timothy 2: 1-2
“You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.”





Teachers: Mark Boyce


Room:  222

Open to all men of any age who want to put the word of God to work in their lives.





Dave Cook


About: This recently formed class is for college ages students and young adults who are committed to studying God’s Word while discussing relevant topics.





Teacher: Jared Knorr

Room: 228