God’s Champions is a special needs ministry. At this time, this is a ministry that serves toddlers to senior high. Our goal for the future is to have a special needs ministry that serves all ages. We strive to support inclusion within the life of the church for the individual with special needs and their families to help facilitate growing love, knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ.
God’s Champions goal is to SUPPORT individuals with special needs by either providing a buddy, modifying curriculum or doing both. We strive to keep all individuals with their peers. Another goal of God’s Champions is to EDUCATE. Educate and train our volunteers, educate those who attend church and the children about special needs. Last goal of God’s Champions is OUTREACH. We would like to eventually reach out to the special needs community and families and provide programs like respite care, day out for moms, dads and siblings. We want to reach out to families affected by special needs to show God’s love to them.
How do I get my child involved?
- Click Here to print the Family Survey. Fill it out and return it to FBC by either
- mailing it to us, or dropping it off, at 12 Brookside Drive, Danville, PA 17821
- scanning it and emailing it to email@danvillefirstbaptist.org
- mailing it to us, or dropping it off, at 12 Brookside Drive, Danville, PA 17821
- Call the church office at (570) 275-1511 to let us know that your Family Survey is on its way! Also, let us know how you’d like your child involved (ex: Sunday Bible School, Awana, VBS, etc.) so we can get a jump start on preparations.
- Michele, God’s Champions Coordinator, will contact you to setup a meeting with you either in person or over the phone (whichever is more convenient for you).

Picture courtesy of Robert Inglis of The Daily Item
Catching up with Michele
in the news!
“God calls us to go out and reach people and show them His love and grace. These people are oftentimes just struggling, and need more support and help. That’s what God calls us to do, to show
love and compassion.” – Michele Whitenight
love and compassion.” – Michele Whitenight
To read the full article in the Daily Item, CLICK HERE!